Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Amber Stockhorst
Go Tigers!
Although today's weather is much closer to Winter the Higbee Tiger staff filled the hallways with Christmas Cheer on Friday! #notHalloweenyet #MerryChristmas
4 months ago, Kayla Richards
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Lady Tigers lose to Sturgeon 2-11. Tigers lose 1-7.
4 months ago, Erika Derboven
Lady Tigers win 5-1 against Bevier. Boys lost 11-1.
4 months ago, Mandy Niemeier
Tomorrow! Don't miss the last home game of the season! Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Amber Stockhorst
Go Tigers!
Ms. Ludwick's class got to meet one of her friends. Dane runs a successful online clothing business called Mechali. Such a fun way to make real life connections to their reading material!
4 months ago, Taylor Ludwick
ms Ludwick’s friend and class
These 5th graders earned lunch with Mrs. Hull for getting a 100 on their spelling test today!!!
4 months ago, Christina Hull
Enjoying talking and having lunch together!
Earn 3 college credits in just 4 weeks on-line! Join MACC for a Wintermester course and get a jumpstart on your college journey!
4 months ago, Micki Kirkendoll
MACC Wintermester
Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Amber Stockhorst
Go Tigers!
Exciting news from our K-5 character education assembly held on Oct. 4th. Congrats to our winners who were nominated by their teachers and recognized for their outstanding quality of being Kind.
4 months ago, Mandy Niemeier
Nominated for being Kind
Kicking our way through the school year like ninjaaaaas! How ironic that the Higbee Tiger staff all work black. #okaytheyHAVElostit #staffblackout
4 months ago, Kayla Richards
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Amber Stockhorst
Go Tigers!
What in the name of PATTERNS is going on with the Higbee School staff?? #someonehelp #trendsetters #orlosingit
4 months ago, Kayla Richards
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Higbee Tigers!
Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Amber Stockhorst
Go Tigers!
Parents and guardians: Please remember that you are also able to visit our School Market with just a quick email to Krichards@higbeeschool.com, these items are to help assist students and families, at home, that may need the resources! The School Market has not only shelf stable foods- but hygiene items and more!
4 months ago, Kayla Richards
School Market
Michael Hunt with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)came in to donate beverages today! We appreciate their support. Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Tanner Burton
You can watch our home junior high and high school basketball games and the entirety of the Higbee Junior High Tournament(next week) through NFHS. You will also have access to watch games of other schools that stream using NFHS. There is a cost of $11.99 per month or $79.99 per year (a portion of this is given back to the school) https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/higbee-high-school-higbee-mo Thank you, Mr. Burton
4 months ago, Tanner Burton
Join us for Parent-Teacher Conferences October 21st 1:00-7:00 PM
4 months ago, Mandy Niemeier
Looking forward to seeing you!
The Lady Tigers move to 13-5 on the season with a 3-2 win over Brashear on Senior Night! Baseball fell in the night cap. Go Tigers!
4 months ago, Tanner Burton
Junior High Lady Tigers bring home a 31-26 win against Prairie Home. Boys played a tough game with a 50-37 loss.
4 months ago, Mandy Niemeier